Eyelids Surgery - Blepharoplasty | Dr Sirek | MedCosmetic

Eyelids Surgery - Blepharoplasty

Restore your eyes to a more youthful state naturally and easily

Thin and sensitive skin around eyes is the most susceptible to ageing processes. The operation is aimed to rejuvenate appearance by different treatments in upper, bottom eyelids, and even upper cheek. 


  • Upper eyelid: removal of excess skin, part of orbicularis oculi, excess of orbital fat.
  • Bottom eyelid: removal of excess skin, stretch of orbicularis oculi, removal of orbital fat excess, lifting upper part of cheek /midface lift/, lifting the side angle of eye, reduction in size of the bottom eyelid.


Before operation it is necessary to conduct an interview with the medical consultant. Medical consultant explains principles of the treatment, its procedure, possible results as well as possible complications. An additional contact with the plastic surgeon is sometimes needed, who will perform the operation. The patient receives consent to undergo surgery. The patient gives consent directly before surgery. If the operation is planned under general anesthesia there is needed Anaesthesiological Consultation, during which the doctor shall commission some basic blood and heart examinations (blood type, morphology, ESR, electrocardiography, etc.). Directly before operation the plastic surgeon talks with the patient and he ultimately decides to carry out the treatment. 


During the operation of upper eyelids an incisions are performed in so-called meibomian fold, thanks to the scar after operation is almost invisible. Next an excess of falling skin and muscle lying under it is removed. Sometimes it is also necessary to remove the fat part in this place. The skin is sutured with intracutaneous absorbed stitch, which doesn't require removal. A dressing isn't put on, but only lubricating the wound with antibiotic ointment is applied.

During the operation of bottom eyelids an incision of skin is performed right under the edge of eyelid. Sign of such an incision is cosmetic and not very visible. Next, depending on readings an excess of skin is removed, stretches pliable orbicularis oculi, lifts upper part of cheek and removes excess fat. Sometimes it is necessary to lift lateral angle of eye or even reduction of eyelid. The wound is sutured with delicate, thin stitches, which are removed after 7 days. Here a dressing isn't also, put on but only lubricating the wound with antibiotic ointment is applied. 


Upper eyelid surgery is conducted under local anesthesia, however the bottom eyelids surgery or both eyelids surgery (blepharoplasty) under general anesthesia. 


After operation under local anesthesia the patient stays in the clinic for a few hours. After treatments under general anesthesia the stay in the clinic lasts 1-2 days. 


As part of home care it is recommended to use cold compresses of camomile or boric acid solution and to lubricate operated places with antibiotic ointments. On the first days after treatment a swelling and bruising may appear on the skin.

Patients report to control visit 2-3 times. Stitches are removed after 7 days from the operation. Symptoms subside up to 2 weeks. Total healing lasts about a month. Final effect is visible up to 6 months from the treatment. 


If it is possible, patients report to check-ups after 6 weeks and 6 months after surgery.